Posts about birding
Record shots from 2018
A few photos that were kicking around.
Another catchup post
I’ve been quiet on the blogging front, but I have seen a few interesting birds here and decided I should at least get them onto my list!
Clubtail fail
A bit of catch-up
A poor show indeed on the blogging front, but a few highlights for the lists are: Fieldfare in the garden, more Hawfinches, a nice female Smew at Newchurch Common and I’m finally putting a Red-throated diver on the list - the sleepy one on the Marine Lake is not the first I’ve seen but incomplete records are incomplete.
A Song of Ice and Firecrests
The plan was to drive up to the entrance of the sewage works in Walton-le-Dale where a Firecrest has been hanging out for a week or so and sit in a nice warm car until it was glimpsed. However, Winery Lane was blocked by a puddle that I didn’t dare drive through, so we had to ditch the car and walk/slip/slide/skate the last part of the route as Winery Lane was very icy indeed.
List update
I’ve not been keeping my blog up to date, but here’s an update on some recent sightings.
Garden Birdwatch
It’s RSBP big garden birdwatch thingy day today, so they’ve all buggered off, but here’s what’s been around so far this year.
Urban birding
This weekend all the good birding was in town. I started on a bright sunny morning at Marshside, where everything was pretty but nothing unusual. A fox was probably the most unusual sighting, with a Merlin on the saltmarsh and some very active Little Grebes the best birds.
Mere Sands Wood
Marshside in the fog
Combined sightings from two volunteer shifts.
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