A trip to Farndon to look for Gomphus was a dip in that respect, but a nice walk anyway with lots of other insects about, including buterflies, demoiselles, cockchafers and something with a nasty bite.

On to Churton, where one of the noted dragonfly pools was sort of accessible (the right of way past the other was padlocked) and whilst photo ops were scarce, there were several Hairy dragonflies and Four-spot Chasers during the brief sunny spells, and plenty of blue and red damselflies. A broad-bodied chaser was sunning herself by the bridleway.

Newchurch common in the early evening was home to even more damselflies including plenty of Red-eyed, and two Downy Emeralds were patrolling the water’s edge coming right up to my feet for great views and excellent opportunities for flight shot that I failed to grasp. Shall we say I was distracted by the cuckoo? Let’s say it was that.