After a weekend of excitement at Marshside I began the new week with lunch at Hesketh Road. I didn’t catch sight of the Ibis, the hoped-for Gropper or Whinchat, or the Spoonbill reported by a couple of birders flapping up and down the shore.

I spent some time scrutinising the flocks of Dunlin and Ringed Plover, hoping for the previous day’s Broad-billed Sandpiper, or at least a Curly Sand, but no.

If this all sounds negative, fear not! In addition to the aforementioned waders, the Blackwits, Redshank and especially the Grey Plover across the road were exquisite in the sunshine, and a drake Garganey added spice to the duck selection.

On making my way up to Sandgrounder’s for duty, I immeditely spotted three 2CY Little Gulls hawking over Rainford’s lagoon. A Common Sandpiper and the @CY Med Gull were the highlights from the hide, until Pete Kinsella popped his head in to point out the Black Tern over Polly’s pool.

The tern soon relocated to Rainford’s lagoon for our viewing pleasure, and what a beautiful bird it is. Although Little Gulls are often described at “tern-like”, having the two in the same binocular view gives the lie to the comparison.

Later in the evening, the tern was joined by another - I popped in to see them in the morning, and by the end of the day there were five hawking over the water. I hope they stick around for a good while!