The day started with an alert that a Golden Oriole had been seen at Marshside, but by the time I got there it had disappeared with only one person having seen it. It was going to be a landmark day for Marshside, with a Broad-billed Sandpiper and the Glossy Ibis still on the scene, but we didn’t see any of that!

A drake Garganey was clearly but distantly visible, and we spied butterflies including Brimstone, Tortoiseshell and Peacock, but we decided that the best plan after missing the Golden Oriole would be to head off in search of other yellow birds.

First stop was the fields south of Bretherton, where we had closeup views of at least three Yellowhammers. Non-yellow birds included Red-legged Partridge, Stock Dove, Whitethroat, Reed Bunting, Sedge Warbler and some corvids, with tits and finches in the woods. There were plenty of butterflies including some Orange Tips.

Next we paid a brief visit to Mere Sands Wood, more for ice cream than anything else, but were rewarded with nice views of a Treecreeper.

Finally, we headed home along Curlew Lane, hoping for Yellow Wagtails but in an increasingly strong wind there were none to be seen. Corn buntings, though.