A post for random bird sightings in January.

The first House Sparrows I noticed this year were in Bootle. Strange to think how infrequently I see these birds nowadays.

Today, the 14th, I went looking for Crossbills in the Ainsdale Pinewoods. No luck in that respect, on a windy day with blinding low-angle sunshine, but I was happy enough to see a Treecreeper, some Jays and a woodpecker. Large numbers of the commoner finches and tits were making plenty of noise, especially goldfinches.

On the 30th I was recovering in St James’s Park, London. I can’t tick any of the wildfowl present, I suppose, but Ring-necked Parakeets were in abundance and I’m having them. Watching the carrion crows bully the squirrels was also fun.