The plan was for a whistle-stop tour of numerous Ribble Estuary locations, but after a late start (first Kestrel of the year at Weld Road though) we arrived at Hesketh Out Marsh in the teeth of a gale and lost enthusiasm.

Lunch then, and a leisurely stroll around Martin Mere, and this turned out to be an excellent decision.

Whilst scrutinising the collection for the long-staying but evasive Firecrest, we were rewarded with extended views of drumming Great Spotted Woodpeckers, Redpoll and Siskin - the last two being firsts for both of us. The Janet Kear hide was unremarkable: good numbers of Reed Buntings but not as many finches and tits as on my previous visit. Continuing to scour conifers and hedgerows we saw plenty of Goldcrests and a few Coal and other tits, but the Firecrest was not to be seen.

More easily seen than sometimes were two roosting Tawny Owls, while as the day ended, three Barn Owls joined the Kestrel and Buzzard over the fields.