Backdated post. From a walk along the Ainsdale/Birkdale dunes; with hindsight I see that I spotted a few of the usual suspects. I leave you with the full horror of my field notes below:

Some kind of lbj with pinkish breast and maybe a dark eye stripe - female wheatear??? Maybe a male in different plumage? Almost yellowish with pronounced eye stripe. It’s just like some of the photos I could google but not a lot like my book or app.
Male wheatear was nearby
LBJ of bunting type - female reed bunting but also something else. Linnet?
Maybe skylark song
Northbound swallows
Skylark in flight (by call) I think also high up singing.
What looks like a skylark but has white trailing edges?
& what has white edges to its tail?
Something with a white throat?
Male reed bunting - slow song as performed by paired males
Goldfinch and sounds like willow warblers by lake.

I’ve also folded in the following from a couple of days later, when I was futilely chasing after a cuckoo reported on John Dempsey’s blog.

Linnet flock by discovery centre?
Did I hear the cuckoo?
Reed warbler I think
Heard a willow warbler
Reed bunting at nest?
Kestrel over pontins
Wagtail by scrape - I assume pied!
A tiny little mouse or similar.

In both cases they probably were Linnets, but no tick for a guess!