I’m trying to do better identifying birds by sound, as I’m not good at spotting them in the treetops.

I’ve had little luck with the ‘shazam for birds’ apps I have on my phone - mainly because I have no internet connection when I want it. The answer is to make a recording and do the analysis at home.

This bird caught my attention with an unfamiliar call - there were several in the treetops along ‘Falklands Way’.

I whipped out my phone and when I got home was able to identify the bird as a Siskin. Distinctive call, I should be able to remember that one!

Siskin on Ainsdale Dunes

I used Cornell Lab’s “BirdNET” API to identify the call.

Interestingly, however, the computer says it is 100% confident of a Lesser Goldfinch singing later on in the clip:

I’m pretty sure it’s the same siskin though!

I’ve also been working on producing consistently-scaled spectrograms for quick comparison - these are pretty ugly but it was a windy day!