On a day that was either cloudy with sunny spells or the other way around - hard to tell which - and with a bit of a chill in the air after overnight rain we started at Longton Brickcroft.

The little pond held a Holly Blue butterfly, a few Blue-tailed Damselflies and a Common Darter. We headed down to the edge of the larger pond and added Common Blue Damselfly to the Odonate list. There was a lot of hoverfly activity, mostly Eristalis sp. including the bumblebee-mimic E.intricaria, plus Helophilus pendulus and plenty of Episyrphus balteatus.

As the day started to warm up, the dragonflies started to come out. One of the many Common Darters decided that the best basking spot would be on our intrepid explorers, and Brown Hawkers started doing their thing across the water.