A pre-RSPB walk along the ditch at Hesketh Golf Club was mostly uneventful until I was returning to the car and startled a Broad-bodied Chaser in the brambles by Hesketh Road. Prior to that I’d seen Azure and Blue-tailed damselflies, a few butterflies including Orange Tip, Small Copper, Large White, Peacock and Small Tortoiseshell catterpillars, as well as a few bees, hoverflies and moths - few of which stayed still enough for photos. The small copper I took some snaps of really demonstrated why they’re not called ‘small orange’ with a beautiful coppery sheen.

On to Marshside and I didn’t get a look at the Glossy Ibis in front of Nel’s - instead the bird of the day was the Little Ringed Plover at sandgrounders, and of course the Black-headed Gull chicks.