The Avocets seem to have vacated their spot at the back of the island in front of Sandgrounder’s hide; does this mean they no longer have young to guard, or have the Canada Geese driven them off to another location? I’ll presumably never know.

That leaves the Black-headed Gulls unchallenged as the most noticeable birds in front of the hide, and their chicks now span all ages from spotty new hatchlings to fledged birds on the wing. Also, one noticeable bird in immaculate winter plumage wearing a metal ring, who has been in the same location in front of the hide for a few days now.

Two Mediterranean Gulls were present for a while, but the highlight of my afternoon was undoubtedly when John D. picked up a ‘small falcon’ over Polly’s pool heading towards us - this silhouette swiftly resolved into my first Hobby of the year.

That thrilling moment was soon equalled when David N. spotted a high-altitude Spoonbill flying from somewhwere down south towards Crossens. Smashing.