Boxing day duty at Sandgrounder’s Hide in heavy rain. The water level was as high as I’ve ever seen it (6.4 of whatever units) they are after a record-breakingly wet month, and visibility was poor.

Since it was the first outing for my new binoculars, I did some birdwatching anyway. The Kowas cut through the grey murk well, and are a little warmer than neutral so they cheer up the view on a grotty day. I’m very pleased with them.

I spotted nearly 30 of the most common winter species, with no surprises. Absent were Little Grebe, Tufted Duck, Egrets, Kingfisher, and all the raptors. Also no Jackdaw and no positive ID on small passerines like finches or pipits, although a few were seen.

At the back of the site, near the houses, a few brown hares were perched miserably on the few green islands left to them. The lack of cover must be quite stressful for them.