Returning to West Kirby on a rainy but much calmer day, we were able to spot some of the birds that had eluded us in the tempest a fortnight ago.

The star of the show, however, hadn’t been present then, but we spotted the Great Northern Diver that has recently been in residence soon after leavng the car. It’s a very handsome bird and we were afforded close views as it moved around the north end of the lake.

Next we headed down the promenade to see if there was any sign of the Red-throated Diver we missed last time. Unfortunately we weren’t destined to spot that species, but other diving birds included at least two Great Crested Grebes, Goldeneye, and a small flotilla (6 or so?) of Red-breasted Mergansers, the first I’ve seen in the wild.

Turnstones were busily feeding on the slipways, and a good few Redshanks and more Dunlin were catching some shuteye on the rocks.

Finally, we were able to tick off another species only previously seen in captivity, the flock of Brent geese that gathers on the grassy bit of beach at high tide. There were plenty of waders with them too, but we didn’t approach too closely as we were cold, wet and hungry by this time.

Miserable weather, but three firsts for me, and the Great Northern was really something special for a formerly avid Arthur Ransome reader.