A roundup of a few outings that didn’t make it onto my blog this November.

On the 20th, I paid a visit to Nel’s hide at Marshside, where a female Goldeneye was probably the highlight - a fairly unusual bird here. Present on Sutton’s Marsh was a white feral goose.

On the 26th, I was supposed to be looking for Green-winged Teal at Martin Mere but got distracted by the raptors. A Peregrine and a Marsh Harrier were good value, holding negotiations over the former’s prey whilst fending off the crows, until a Buzzard swooped in to resolve the issue by taking it all for itself. A Stonechat might be the first one I’ve seen here - don’t know if they’re unusual?

A trip to Hesketh Out Marsh on the 27th yielded Peregrine and Buzzard as well as Redwing and Fieldfare. That’s all I wrote - I think I was looking for exotic geese but didn’t spot them?

A ring-tailed Hen Harrier from the car park was the highlight of Marshside duty on the 28th, but Peregrine, Kestrel and Merlin were all good value too.