Cold today, but bright and sunny as I ventured to the Marine lake to see if the Shag reported yesterday was still present. Sure enough, there it was, sat on the breakwater with Herring gulls, a Greater black-backed gull and a Cormorant for scale.

As I prepared to leave, a lady and her child showed up with a big bag of bread. As the predictable frenzy of herring gulls and Mute swans came to the aboil, I was surprised to the the shag leave its spot and dive headlong into the fray, braving the stabbing beaks to see what was going on. After giving as good as it got for a while, it headed off south, presumably aware that the sailing club was about to take over the northern end of the lake.

Also present in the immediate vicinity: a dapper drake Goldeneye and a Grey Wagtail in the company of two Pied.

On to Martin Mere, more for the indoors elements of the North West Birding Festival, to tell the truth, and the only bird spied of note was a Tawny Owl. I will note here the Sparrowhawk from yesterday that was a site first, I think, on a day when Cattle Egret, Green-winged Teal, White-fronted Goose, Bittern and Woodcock had all been available.

Still, one lifer today and I’ll have a look for this Water Pipit tomorrow.