Hard to know which way to look from Sandgrounder’s hide (RSPB Marshside) this afternoon. A Jack Snipe was present at the near edge of the big island, showing well at first, but then tucked away in some vegetation; almost invisible when still but clear enough when pogoing.

A Short Eared Owl put in a spectacular display, hunting over the area between Rainford’s lagoon and Marshside Road, posing on various posts to provide extended viewing, and providing thrilling views with a few passes close to the hide windows.

In addition to the birds, a stoat was excellent value, swimming back and forth across the right hand channel in front of the hide, doing that manic leaping about thing that they do and finally catching a small rodent of some kind. It was immediately in danger of losing either its dinner or its life to a kestrel, but escaped with both.

Rarely has leaving the camera at home been such a poor decision.

Others reported Merlin and increasing numbers of Pintail.