I was in the area delivering cabbages anyway, so popped in to Marshside for a bit. 46 Black-tailed Godwits and a couple of ruff were hanging out on Rainford’s, with more Ruff in front of Sandgrounder’s as well as a few other seasonal birds.

Patience paid off, and I spotted a/the juvenile Wood Sandpiper at the back of the channel. It was hard to be sure at first as it was face-on and preening, but it soon turned sideways to reveal its speckled back. It stayed around long enough for me to get a second opinion to be sure, then scarpered.

I thought it and some of the ruffs it was with had landed in a channel not far away, but when I walked up the road a bit there were no waders to be seen.

Further towards Polly’s Pool, I thought I was on for a three Sandpiper day, but extended inspection and a dip into Collins affirmed that the bird I was looking at was a juvenile Dunlin. It was a very peach/golden sort of colour, but other details including light streaking on the belly and the pattern on the scapulars were pretty clear.

Another Common Sandpiper and an adult Dunlin rounded out the day.