On Sunday at Sandgrounders the water level was much higher than previously after some heavy rain. The Avocets in front of the hide probably hadn’t laid good eggs anyway, but were struggling to keep them above water and probably failing.

Nicer to see were a pair of Mediterranean Gulls, which appeared to be quite intent on getting their own eggs well fertilised.

We nipped off for lunch before heading down to Nel’s, and never made it. Returning on a very windy Monday, we quickly spotted a drake Garganey from the half-way screen, followed by a pair of the same species from Nel’s hide. A third drake was apparently present elsewhere. Other than that, the ducks were mostly Gadwall. Lots of Gadwall.

At least two Curlew Sandpipers coming into their summer plumage were with a dozen or so Dunlin and maybe twice that many blackwits, and presented closer views than the assorted sandpipers in recent weeks. I still want a bigger telescope.