High tides in the middle of the day and still weather combined this week to make me think I would have another go at looking out to sea, but unfortunately said conditions also included drizzle and damp mists.

Today I intended to head down to Weld Road to see if I could spot some Jack Snipe being flushed by the tide, but got moving a little late for that. Instead, I settled for peeking over the front row of dunes at the waders clinging to the last narrow strip of beach.

The mixed flock of Bar-tailed Godwit, Sanderling, Dunlin and Grey Plover was joined at the Birkdale end by Oystercatchers and Knot in large numbers, as well as a couple of Turnstones.

The Grey Plovers were showing off quite a variety of plumages, with one in particular looking wee on the way to summer finery.

The dunes seemed rather barren, with Carrion Crows, a few Reed Buntings, Stonechat heard but not seen, and the occasional Skylark and Pheasant erupting from underfoot. A few LBJs were on the wing, possibly Linnet but I’m not sure.