Another backdated post filling in a less eventful month than August was…

Ainsdale: a few waders on the beach.

Marshside: some unseasonal Wigeon, Teal and Pink-footed Geese on September 16, along with eclipse Pintail, Shoveller

Martin Mere: more Kingfisher and increasing frequency of Snipe sightings. Marsh Harriers still in residence.

This from Hesketh Out Marsh:

Bold wheatear Curlew
Spotted red
Redshank Ruff Little egret Goldfinch Pheasant BHG Peregrine? Cormorant Heron Do spotted a ever have bright white on wings? If so mostly regular redshank also from calls. Yet definitely one with supercilium? Lovely kestrel

I think I was seeing Spotted Redshank everywhere I looked, but at least some of them were real.