Backdated post summarising some more Marshside sightings from May 2014.

2014-05-21 14:35:56 Curlew sandpipers x3
Garganey x1
Gadwall, tufties
Pied wagtail
Avocet on nest

Three Curlew Sandpipers at the back of Nel’s pond were pointed out to me. I’m not awarding myself a tick, as all I could see were dots at that distance. I identified my own Curlew Sands later in the year at Martin Mere, however. The Garganey was pointed out to me as well, but at least I could see it!

It looks like it was about this time that I started to be able to tell Gadwall from female Mallards; good for me!

2014-05-22 13:35:04
2 redshank on little island
house martin
sand martin Reed warbler
Little grebe
Angry birds
Lapwing coot redshank gull

These notes came from walking up and down Marshside Road, where walking mas more like ‘being chased by Lapwings’ in one direction. Redshanks, Coots and Black-headed Gulls were also noticeably aggressive on that occasion.

I saw a stoat near the cattle pen part way up the road.

2014-05-25 12:44:49
Reed warbler
Grey heron
Spotted flycatcher
Curlew sandpiper
Shoveler weird
Cheeky swallows
Didn’t see grasshopper warblerp

We had excellent views of a spotted flycatcher from Nel’s hide, through binoculars but also through a nice gentleman’s Swaro scope. I don’t recall the view of the Curlew Sandpiper being good enough that at the time I could tell what it was, so again no tick.

2014-05-26 14:25:09
Quail? Or lady partridge Wren Pair of white throats Pink pink Chiff chaff Yellowhammer Finchy bird black head and bib quite big bill Oystercatcher

Most unsatisfactory notes here! I think this is all from the Sandplant area. I don’t believe I saw a Yellowhammer at marshside, the ‘partridge’ was as likely to be a pheasant. I struggled with a bird just near the car park that I didn’t think was either a Reed Bunting or a Sparrow. Who knows?

May 29, 2014
Little Egret Raven?

I’m saying ‘probably not’ to Raven; from the path I saw something big and black fly over Nel’s Hide and scare off all the waders, but it was gone by the time I got to the hide. Can’t tick a ‘maybe’.