Highlights of another Sunday jaunt around Marshside:

A large number of Dunlin at the top end of Rimmer’s marsh, resplendent in their black summer tummies. With them, over 20 ringed plover, and a few little ringed plover knocking around too. Also present but not seen by us were a little stint and a couple of curly sands.

We did finally catch up with ‘the’ drake Garganey (although it sounds like there are probably two), ‘the’ Spoonbill (although I don’t think this pure white bird is the same one that’s been knocking around in full breeding finery), and the Chiloe Wigeon. I haven’t added that to the list below!

A pair of Eiders flew in from the estuary and settled on the saltmarsh, and a Great Spotted Woodpecker was briefly on the electric fence in front of Hesketh platform.